Download Screenshot For Android 2.3.5


Download Screenshot APK (latest version) for Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, LG, HTC, Lenovo and all other Android phones, tablets and devices. Jul 24, 2013 That’s how most of us Android people like to use Android (always the latest and greatest). Below is the download link of Google Play APK v4.2.34. How to take a screenshot privately on chat.

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  2. Android Screenshot App
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Are you looking to download Whatsapp Messenger APK free for your Android mobile?this is the best-rated app for android mobile. this is the free messenger app for Android is sends the photo and video your friend and family easily by using this can WhatsApp user in your phone internet connection(4G,3G, wi-fi and other can easily download apk file of WhatsApp Messenger from apktonic also you can get it from google play store.

Name: Whatsapp Messenger 2.3.6 APK Size: 28.79 MB

Installs: 100 million Rating: 4.4/5.0

Android System 2.3.5 Download

Required: Android 4.0 and up version: 2.17.190

Description/Whatsapp Messenger 2.3.6 APK

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WhatsApp Messenger is the great app for google play store.this app has 100 million people installs and also have 4.4/5.0 this app, you are able to secure chat with your friends and any person you want also you are able to make group chat to discuss something in this app you can make free audio and video call and also you are able to send free voice messages.Download APKfile for free.


By using this app Whatsapp Messenger APK you are able to Free calls: Call your friends and family for free with WhatsApp Calling, even if they are in another country. WhatsApp calls use your phone’s Internet connection rather than your cellular plan’s voice minutes.


Android Screenshot App

  • Send and receive photos
  • no international charges
  • watch email chat history
  • make free audio and video call
  • send free voice messages
  • make group chat to discuss
  • easy to use this app
  • amazing rating app


Android Sdk

If you want to download free Whatsapp Messenger APK for your Android Mobile click on below download button.