Payumoney App Download For Android


Android: checkbox; Language Support. Checkbox English; PayUMoney Users Download Brochure. Payumoney app is a very nice app and its wallet can be used on various merchant sites to pay to get extra discount.overall the app is fast and neat but I found out some problems as well.when we add money to wallet sometimes the page crashes as. Are you tired of customers asking for more and more payment options (Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/ Bank Transfer/ UPI/ Wallets etc.)? Delay in customer payments harming your business? Tracking payments from customers driving you crazy? - If yes, then PayUnow App is for you! Create Your Online Business Page and accept all payments Website with Payment Gateway in 2 minutes with the powerful.

Do you use a smartphone or tablet to shop online? Now you can pay easier with a PayU app.

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The PayU app makes it convenient to pay for shopping via smartphone or tablet on Allegro and in thousands of webshops offering the PayU account as a payment method.
No need to log in, send SMS codes or hand over your payment card. Just choose to pay via PayU account and the app will launch automatically. The only task left is to confirm your transaction in the application.
The PayU mobile app allows you to:
-“ Pay for shopping on Allegro and in webshops. You can pay for your shopping in all the locations that offer the PayU account as a payment method.
-“ Pay bills. Use the app to scan a bar code on your bill and confirm the payment. Done! The service is free of charge.
-“ Top up a phone. Select a number to be topped up on your contact list or type it manually.
-“ Save your defined payments. Every payment may be saved to set a template.
-“ Set payment reminders. The app may remind you about every defined payment so that you never forget to pay your bills.

To be used, the application requires that you have a PayU account and associate it with at least one of your payment cards. If you have still not opened the account or added any card, you can do it easily directly in the PayU app.
For transaction security, the app may request that you enter a CVV2/CVC2 code during the payment process.

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Payumoney App Download For Android Download

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Editors' Note: To download the application, click on 'Download' button. Enter your log in details. When download is completed, go to your app bar, click Downloads and find the file you just downloaded. Open the file and press ?Install?. Please note that this download may not be available in some countries.

Read the instructions about the installing and removing the app here

Accept mobile payments in any Android App using our native Android SDK. With our mobile SDKs, you do not need to worry about PCI DSS compliance by eliminating the need to send card data to your server. Instead, our libraries send the card data directly to PayU servers which are PCI-DSS Compliant. The PayUmoney mobile SDKs ensure strong encryption and data security to ensure complete peace of mind to your users.


Have a look at the animated image below to understand payment collection through PayUmoney Plug & Play Android SDK.

This integration guide will assist you in integrating with the PayUmoney Android SDK and the PayUmoney Plug n Play module to provide a complete payment experience to your users.

Features Supported

The following features are supported in the PayUmoney Plug and Play Android SDK.

  • Saved Cards
  • Auto-OTP Read and Entry
  • Multiple Payment methods
  • Ready to use Payment UI

Payment Modes Supported

The following payment modes are supported in the PayUmoney Plug and Play Android SDK.

  • EMI
  • UPI
  • Wallets


Meet the Prerequisites


Set up the SDK

Import and configure the PayUmoney PnP SDK


Server Side Changes

Calculate the security hash value on your server

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Set Payments Parameters

Provide details of customer and transaction to the SDK

Response Handling

Verify response hash and display transaction status to the customer


Start the Payment Flow

Invoke the function to open the checkout page


Set the hash

Build Payment Parameters and set the server computed hash

Getting Started with the Android SDK

This guide will take you through building your app’s payment flow using the PayUmoney Android SDK. The SDK handles collection, storage, and reuse of your user’s payment details, and can also be used to collect billing info. Have a look at the Android SDK Payment Activity Diagram before you take the deep dive.


Meet the Prerequisites


Set up the SDK

Import and configure the PayUmoney PnP SDK


Server Side Changes

Calculate the security hash value on your server


Set Payments Parameters

Provide details of customer and transaction to the SDK

Response Handling

Verify response hash and display transaction status to the customer


Start the Payment Flow

Invoke the function to open the checkout page


Set the hash

Build Payment Parameters and set the server computed hash


  • Sign up with PayUmoney as merchant
  • Get the Merchant Id,Key and Salt, which are available on your merchant dashboard

Selecting the right SDK

The PayUmoney SDK provides a set of optional modules that provide several additional features during Payment Acceptance. Based on your needs, please select the appropriate modules to enhance your user’s payment experience:

  • PayUmoney Core SDK (Mandatory) – This is the base SDK required to accept payments in your app. The Core SDK is mandatorily required. All other modules are optional and work on top of the Core SDK.
  • PayUmoney PnP Module: The PayUmoney PnP (Plug n Play) module provides a rich and well-designed set of ready to use screens that provide a superior payment experience to your users. The PnP module works on top of the PayUmoney Core SDK and allows you to provide multiple payment methods to your users with minimal effort.
  • PayU Custom Browser: The Custom Browser (CB) provides OTP assist features such as auto read of OTP, entry, and submission in the Bank’s 2-Factor authentication page.
The Core SDK does not contain User Interfaces for accepting payments. If only the Core SDK is used, you must create the UI for displaying the checkout form and the subsequent payment information entry. Please use the PnP module if want a ready-to-use set of checkout UI experiences. To integrate with the Core SDK, please Contact our Integration Support team.

Payumoney App Download For Android Phone

Setting up the PnP SDK

To import and configure the PayUmoney SDK in your project, please implement the following changes in your app:

Import PayUmoney SDK as a Gradle Dependency

In your project’s build.gradle file, please add the PayUmoney Plug and Play (PnP) SDK module as a dependency by adding the following line:

Calculate Server-Side Hash

The only server side change required while integrating PayUmoney Android SDK is generating a hash parameter for both the payment request & response.

A hash is an encrypted value (checksum) that must be sent by the merchant in a payment request that is then sent back by PayUmoney in the payment response. A hash is used to protect transactions against “man in the middle” attacks.

Hash Generation for Payment Request

Use the following sample java sequence to generate a request hash.

The entire hash logic is built on the assumption ‘Salt’ is always safe with the merchant. Hence, it is very important for the merchant to keep the ‘Salt’ safe by adhering to the best security practices. For eg: Merchant should always compute from the server side and never from the client side, should never share the ‘Salt’ & ‘Key’ over emails or directly commit on public repositories like Github.

Set Payments Params

To start using the PayUmoney PnP SDK, you need you initialize the SDK by providing details about the customer and the transaction. Please use the sample code provided below to setup the SDK initializer.

The ‘udf’ fields below stand for ‘user defined field’. These are optional fields to pass custom information about the transaction to PayUmoney. You may pass up to 5 UDF fields.

Build payment params and set the hash

The hash computed on the server side should be passed as an input parameter to the transaction request and hence needs to be passed to the SDK as shown below:

Start the Payment Flow

Invoke the following function to open the checkout page. The Customer will now interact with PayUmoney screens till the transaction is complete.


  • PayUmoneySdkInitializer.PaymentParam – paymentparams (initialized in step 2)
  • Activity – activity context
  • Style – theme resource

<style name=”AppTheme.Green” parent=”PayumoneyAppTheme”>
<item name=”colorPrimary”>@color/persian_green_primary</item>
<item name=”colorPrimaryDark”>@color/persian_green_dark</item>
<item name=”colorAccent”>@color/persian_green_accent</item>
<item name=”colorButtonNormal”>@color/persian_green_primary</item>
<item name=”alertDialogTheme”>@style/AlertDialogStyle_green</item>
<item name=”actionMenuTextColor”>@color/white</item>

  • isOverrideResultScreenFalse – PNP will take care of Transaction result screen
    True – merchant will take care of Transaction result screen

Start the Payment Flow

Invoke the following function to open the checkout page. The Customer will now interact with PayUmoney screens till the transaction is complete.


    • PayUmoneySdkInitializer.PaymentParam – paymentparams (initialized in step 2)
    • Activity – activity context
    • Style – theme resource

<style name=”AppTheme.Green” parent=”PayumoneyAppTheme”>
<item name=”colorPrimary”>@color/persian_green_primary</item>
<item name=”colorPrimaryDark”>@color/persian_green_dark</item>
<item name=”colorAccent”>@color/persian_green_accent</item>
<item name=”colorButtonNormal”>@color/persian_green_primary</item>
<item name=”alertDialogTheme”>@style/AlertDialogStyle_green</item>
<item name=”actionMenuTextColor”>@color/white</item>

  • isOverrideResultScreenFalse – PNP will take care of Transaction result screen
    True – merchant will take care of Transaction result screen

Response Handling

The PayUmoney SDK provides default response handling and screens thereby removing the need for you to create your own screens or handle the response from the PayUmoney server.

The default screens are illustrated in the screenshots below:

If you need custom screens for transaction success and failure, please review the steps below.

When making a payment using the PayUmoney Android SDK gives two types of payment response:

  • A client-side response in the callback function
  • A server to server callback on the Webhook, if set from the PayUmoney dashboard.

To know when the payment has completed, override the onActivityResult in your activity as exemplified in the sample code below

Now, you will need to add these lines of JavaScript to your success and failure pages (SURL, FURL) for the Android SDK to be able to detect the result.

Success Page:

Failure Page:

Before transaction response is displayed to the user, please verify the authenticity of the transaction by
generating a response hash.
The hash generated by you should match the one send by PayUmoney in response.

Managing User Login

The PayUmoney SDK provides a simple mechanism to allow users to log into their PayUmoney account and utilize features such a Saved Cards, PayUmoney wallet balance etc when making payments.

  • isUserLoggedIn() – Return true if user is logged in else return false
  • logoutUser() – Log out logged in user

Order Review

Through the PayUmoney PnP SDK, you can provide an interface to your users to allow them to review an order’s details. To display a review order screen, you will need to pass the details of the order that you want to display. While the SDK controls the look and feel of the Order Review screen, the content itself is defined by you.

To set the order details, pass the information to the PnP SDK in the form of key:value pairs with the key being the row descriptor and the value being the corresponding value associated with that descriptor.

For example:

Payumoney App Download For Android

Testing the Integration

For using SDK in test mode you need to follow the below-mentioned steps.

  1. PayUmoneySdkInitializer.PaymentParam.Builder().setIsDebug(true)
  2. Send the SURL/FURL, MerchantId and key accordingly for test and live mode.Goto ‘Parameters Section’ to know what this means.
S.No.Parameter NameRequiredValue
1.keyCompulsoryMerchant key provided by PayUmoney
2.TxnidCompulsoryUnique transaction id to be sent by the merchant.
3.AmountCompulsoryPayment amount (Type cast to float)
4.ProductInfoCompulsoryProduct Description
5.firstNameCompulsoryOnly alphabets a-z are allowed
6.EmailCompulsoryCustomer’s email id
7.phoneCompulsoryMobile or landline number (numerics only)
8.udf1User defined field 1
9.udf2User defined field 2
10.udf3User defined field 3
11.udf4User defined field 4
12.udf5User defined field 5
13.SURLCompulsoryURL called on payment completion
14.FURLCompulsoryURL called on payment failure
15.hashCompulsoryHash or Checksum = sha512(key | txnid | amount | productinfo | firstname | email | udf1 | udf2 | udf3 | udf4 | udf5 | salt) (SALT is provided by PayUmoney)
udf1 to udf5 are user-defined fields. These are meant to send any additional values that you need to post. However, if you don’t feel the need to post any additional params, even then you will need post these params with blank values.
S.No.Parameter NameDescriptionSample Value
1.statusTransaction Status. (Described in detail in the Transaction Status section)success
2.firstnameFirstname of the payerTom
3.amountTransaction Amount1.0
4.txnidTransaction Id passed by the merchant0nf725
5.hashSecurity hash generated in response to protect against data tampering. Merchant is required to generate a response hash and verify it against this hash. 127e2c44016aa4c3dd5bacc09b0239b09c6174f275c0ec4c8ec7da3db915a754407849cf2537f8655255ac54ee652c4ef972c721462ec9d0a67c08b66bdbb6ba
7.mobileMobile No of the payer7406740707
8.emailEmail Id of the
9.payuMoneyIdThe PayUmoney transaction id.144190307
10.modePayment Mode in:
  • Netbanking (NB)
  • Debit Card(DC)
  • Credit Card(CC)

Transaction Response Parameters

This section contains the details about different response parameters encountered when transacting using PayUmoney.

Transaction Status

A transaction can have several different statuses as explained in the table below.

1.Not StartedThe transaction has not been started yet.
2.InitiatedThe transaction has been started but not completed.
3.Money With PayUmoneyThe transaction was successful and the transaction amount is with PayUmoney.
4.Under DisputeA dispute for the transaction has been raised.
5.RefundedThe entire amount of the transaction has been refunded.
6.Partially RefundedA part of the amount of the transaction has been refunded.
7.BouncedIncomplete or no details provided at PayUmoney payment page.
8.FailedThe transaction didn’t complete due to a failure.
9.Settlement in ProcessSettlement for the transaction is in process.
10.CompletedThe transaction is settled and complete.

Sample App

To understand the PayUmoney payment flow, you may download and install our sample app and choose to Pay using PayUmoney.

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